When people think of the disability community, they often think of people who are unable to work. But this is not always the case. There are many different types of disabilities, and some people with disabilities can perform all or most jobs.
If you’re a person with a disability, you may feel like you’ve been overlooked in the job market. You might think that employers are reluctant to hire people with disabilities. But there are many companies that offer disability jobs for disabled people, and they’re willing to make accommodations to do so.
Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a job as an individual with a disability:
Remember, You Are Unique
Remember that you are unique, and so is your disability. There are many people out there who have different types of disabilities, and each one is different from the others. You may not be able to see what someone else’s disability looks like, but that does not mean it is any less important or serious than another person’s.
Know Your Rights
Know your rights as a person with a disability. There are laws that protect you from discrimination in the workplace because of your disability, but in order to know what those laws are and how they apply to you, you need to know what kind of disability you have and how it affects your ability to perform certain tasks at work. It’s also important that you know what accommodations might be available to help make things easier for you at work – if there is something that could make it easier on everyone involved, then why not give it a try!
Let Your Ability, Not Your Disability, Speak For Itself
People with disabilities should focus on their abilities, not their disabilities. Your disability is just that — a part of who you are. It is not the entire picture of who you are as a person. Being honest about what you can and cannot do is important because it shows employers that you have realistic expectations and that you know how to communicate clearly with others about what is needed from them.
Ask For Training If You Need It To Do Your Job Well
If you are offered a job but don’t feel confident about doing the work, ask for training. Imagine that someone offered you a job as a cashier at a grocery store, and you had no idea how to ring up items on the register. You wouldn’t take that job without learning what you needed to know first, right? Well, neither should you take a job that requires skills or knowledge that you don’t have. Learn how to use all of your equipment before starting work and practice using it in simulated situations so that when the real thing happens, there won’t be any surprises.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Modifications Or Accommodations
You are not alone. Many people with disabilities have found disability jobs, and so can you! If an employer asks you if you need any accommodations, it’s okay to ask for what you need. You might need a quiet place to do your work or a special keyboard for typing or other equipment for communication. Be honest about your needs and desires, and be prepared to give examples of how these accommodations will help your ability to perform the job duties.
Be Prepared To Prove Yourself Worthy.
If you have a disability, then it is important to also prove that you are capable of doing anything that anyone else would be able to do – including working hard and performing well at your job! Don’t let someone think that because you have a disability, that means you can’t do something well or can’t handle stress or responsibility; prove them wrong!
Be Honest
If you have a disability, be honest and open about it when applying for a job. There is no need to lie or hide your disability. If you don’t feel comfortable telling the employer about it, talk to someone who has experience with this type of thing first – like a family member, friend or someone from a support group for people with disabilities.
Be Creative And Adaptable When Needed
I have known people with disabilities who have been successful in their careers. One thing that I have noticed is that they are very adaptive and creative. Sometimes, being able to adapt to the current situation is more important than having an exact plan for every situation. If you are able to think on your feet and make quick decisions, then you will be able to succeed in any career path you choose.
Disability jobs are a niche, so without sharpening your focus and standing out, you might have a hard time finding what you’re looking for. Remember that resumes are just the beginning; you need to get over-the-interview hump as well to land the position. Lastly, remember to leave your disability at the door and focus on being there for the job.